Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Telling to Remember

I recently presented a paper at a conference on Bible translation in Dallas. My topic was on storytelling and collective memory. I was inspired to research this topic after reading and reviewing McIver's Jesus, Memory, and the Synoptic Gospels. I am also a storyteller, and promote Biblical storytelling in various language groups that have no written Bible. Thus, the link between storytelling and memory becomes compelling to me. So, we encourage storytellers to learn these Biblical stories in groups, hoping that group learning and processing will enhance the memory and telling of that particular story. It is fascinating research seeing how studies in drama, artificial intelligence, and psychology contribute to this topic. Here is the paper I presented.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am delighted to have found your blog; got connected through Phil Ruge-Jones. I look forward to learning from your research and experience.
Peace, Amelia